I have been doing independent research for the last ~8 months at this point. (Independent research for me is the practice of working on a problem and trying to find novel ways to solve it solo1)
I’ve been working on a few problems for the past few months, namely:
PS: If you’re an individual or a lab working on this, please slide into my DMs.
For each of these problems, I’ve hit a few roadblocks:
Funny how the opposite of all 4 is what you get being associated with a research lab. 3 of those 4 problems are solvable by just joining a lab; actually, the 4th one too if I get paid and can go full time (drop out maybe, lol).
I don’t come from an academic background, so the “academia and its jargon” is also kind of difficult to get used to and digest. While most of it is run by idiots2 who value credentials over actual work, academia and its supporters have tried so hard to make this wall for outsiders to not easily transition into it, and that kind of sucks.
Now here comes advantages of being a lone wolf (I had to) researcher:
Agency: It’s insane how many times I’ve just gone into rabbit holes of my own to learn things I’m curious about, and that is something I value a lot.
Ability to Build and Sell: Not really sure about this one, but I can just sell things I research on later on? Or build a product out of it? How cool is that.
Look Really Cool While Doing It: I know people who do this or have done this in the past, and I can’t express in words how cool they are.
People Underestimate You: This one is really funny. I’ve had so many experiences where people underestimate you greatly, and that is great because you can just blow their expectations out of the water when the time comes.
You Meet Really Cool People: I’ve been posting my work on the internet for 2-3 months now, and the number of talented, high-agency individuals I’ve met has been amazing. There’s so much to learn from them.3